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Visit Eurodogshow
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Go To Show
Welcome to the website for every dog !
Have you ever thought about participating in a show with your dog ? But you don't know if you and your dog have the necessary skills ?
Especially for you, we now have the GO TO SHOW project !
A professional breed specialist will judge your dog individually, provided that your dog can walk on a leash, has some social skills and is caressable enough to be touched by the judge.
Subsequently you will receive a written report about your dog as well as a goodie bag and a certificate (no ranking).
Naturally your dog must also have had the necessary vaccinations and must be covered by your family insurance policy.
It costs 30 euros to enter the GO TO SHOW and this includes the entrance fee of the handler and the dog.
There is no need for hesitation to enter, because if required we will assist you with advice and action. If you want, one of our handlers can present your dog to the judge. You will also have time to ask a veterinarian questions or to consult a behavioral expert about the bad habits of your dog.
If you enter the GO TO SHOW, you can visit the Eurodogshow as well.
The Eurodogshow has a lot of stalls with plenty of dog accessories and dog food.
Furthermore you can watch the dogs, of the same breed as your dog, participate in the Eurodogshow
in the halls of Kortrijk Xpo.

Betaal gelijktijdig met uw inschrijving €30 op volgend rekeningnummer:
Go to show
BE12 7360 5838 7192
Vermelding: Naam hond