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participate in Eurodogshow
of the exibitions recognised by the Royal Kynologische Union Sint Hubertus
RECEPTION AND DEPARTURE OF THE DOGS : all registered dogs must be present in the Kortrijk Xpo at 9.30. Absolutely no dog can under whatever pretence leaves the exibition less than the beginning of the ring of honnour.
Each violation on the above-mentioned particular measurement by right in account of him that violation will commit the obligation with itself to pay the organisors a sum of €124 at title of fixed damages and the exclusion of the dog whith cancelling of the titles won on the exibition.
Prices, Erepenningen, diplomas, etc.. : the national championship prices (C.A.C.) on this exibition promised, qualify to obtained of the title of champion as far as they are ratified officially by the royal Kynologische Union Sint Hubertus (to see regulation of the national championship,art. 4)
Goblets and trophies must be taken away by the fence of the tentoonstelling. They are sent after in absolutely no case.
Responsibility : the arranging committee takes all possible precautions to insure cleanliness of the dogs on the exibition. The committee cannot however the lowest responsibility accept for the theft, loss or damage caused either to the dogs, or to the objects in the rooms presently. All in the regulation provided do not occur and all arguments concerning the implementation of it, will immediately become and without possibility of profession by the committee definitely.
Delay or cancellation : the arranging committee keeps himself the right for, move the exibition up to a later date or to cancel the exibition. Paid amounts will be paid after deducting the costs already made for the organisation of the tentoonstelling.
Because of the epidemic of parvovirose it is recommend positively the dogs which take part in public meetings such as walks, show rooms and work tests, at least one month of the show the dog must be vaccinated (validity 12 months).
- Please pay fee when applying for enrollment.
- In principle no payments will be accepted on the day of the show. €20 will then be added to the amount due.
- Only payments effected before 14.11 are considered valid. All subsequent payments will be returned to the exxhibitors, who will be charged on entering.
- An admission ticket will be sent after payment and after the deadline for enrolment
- To have read the regulations and to abide them.
- To obey sports jurisdiction of the Royal Cynologic Union St-Hubert.
- The undersigned declares That his dogs are free from diseases that are contagious or can cause difficulties for other animals or people present and are vaccinated against Rabies (only mandatory for foreign participants). When checked, Titers are accepted.
- Not to belong to a club which is not affiliated to or recognized by the F.C.I..
- To be reponsible for bites or other accidents caused by his dog(s).
- He shall be present as of 9.30 AM and shall not remove his dogs before the beginning of the Ring of Honour. Failing this, he may incur a fine of 125 Euro.
- The board of directors is entitled to reject enrollments without any comment. By returning the form the breeder binds himself to pay the fee, even if he does not attend the show.
- In accordance with the Belgian law of August 14, 1986 and the R.D. of May 17, 2001, ear cropping Is prohibited since October 01, 2001. This rule does not apply to dogs whose ears were cropped before this date, as long as the owner can prove it. (tail docking is banned since 01/01/2006)
- Only the courts of justice of the judiciary district of Courtrai are competent so settle disputes arising from the present agreement. Only the Belgian law is relevant to interpret this agreement.
- Bitches in season are allowed.
- Smoking is prohibited inside the Kortrijk Xpo premises.
Baby Class: |
for dogs of 4 to 6 months (in this class the qualifications given are ‘very promising’, 'promising' and 'sufficient'). This class does not qualify for CAC and CACIB, or for BEST OF BREED (B.O.B) |
Puppy Class: |
for dogs of 6 to 9 months (in this class the qualifications given are ‘very promising’, 'promising' and 'sufficient'). This class does not qualify for CAC and CACIB, or for BEST OF BREED (B.O.B) |
Youth Class: |
For all dogs of 9 to 18 months. This class does not qualify for CAC and CACIB This class is considered for B.O.B |
Open Class: |
For all dogs of 15 months of age and older on the day of the show. This class is considered for the C.A.C en C.A.C.I.B. |
Intermediary class: |
For all dogs of 15 to 24 months on the day of the show. This class is considered for the C.A.C en C.A.C.I.B. |
Working Class: |
Minimum age 15 months, on the day of the show. Open for dogs of the breeds subject to do working trails, or obtained a (qualification) of a C.Q.N./W.G.H. gained in an open C.A.C.- competition, organized for the Breed. The exhibiter must every time submit an official certificate (or a photocopy) approved by the F.C.I.-(model), delivered by the Central National Organisation of the country where he lives (K.M.S.H/S.R.S.H. (BE), V.D.H. (DE), S.C.C. (FR), R.v.B.(NL), etc.). This certificate mentioning the type of proof and or the results needed for entering this class. When this certificate is not attached with the entry form, the dog will automatically be entered in open class. Sight Hounds, Samoyed, Siberian Husky, Grønland Dog and Alaskan Malamute are also allowed to enter in this class if they are in possession of the needed certificate (FCI-model) |
Champion Class: |
Minimum leeftijd 15 maanden voor de dag van de tentoonstelling. Open voor honden die een Internationale of Nationale Schoonheids kampioentitel behaald hebben. Fotokopie van het certificaat bijvoegen. Indien dit niet is bijgevoegd, wordt de hond automatisch in de open klas ingeschreven.Deze klas komt in aanmerking voor het C.A.C. en het C.A.C.I.B. |
Veteran Class: |
For dogs older than 8 years. This class is considered for B.O.B. but not for C.A.C. and C.A.C.I.B |
Brace Class: |
For two dogs of the same breed of different gender belonging to the same owner. |
Groups (team) Class: |
for at least three dogs of the same breed without distinction of gender, which are owned by the Exhibitor.To enter in Brace Class or Groups (team) Class all dogs must be enter in one of the individual Classes. Individual Classes are the classes mentioned above. (Baby Class, Puppy Class, etc..) Refer to the rules and regulations of the K.K.U.S.H/U.R.C.S.H. and the F.C.I. for the definitive attribution of the National en International Championship. |
All entries are made “BONA FIDE” by the participants and under their own responsibility. All incorrect statements which might result in the dog being entered in a class to which he should not have access, shall cause the annulment of the obtained results, the restitution of the prizes which may have been won and possible sanctions, as foreseen by the regulations. .
Responsibility: the organizers take all possible steps to ensure the cleanliness of the premises allocated to the dogs at the show. But the Committee cannot be held responsible for any theft, loss or damage caused either to the dogs or to objects located on the premises. All occurences not foreseen in the regulations and their application shall immediately and irrevocably be resolved by the Committee.
Postponement or cancellation: the organizing Committee retains the right to postpone or cancel the show. The fees already paid shall be refunded after deduction of the costs already incurred for the organisation of the show.